Fire Detectors


The Scottish Government passed new Legislation regarding the installation of FIRE DETECTION EQUIPMENT in all homes in Scotland.

This was to be implemented by February 2022.

To help you with the rules we have listed below a basic outline of the requirements.

  • A Smoke detector must be fitted in every circulation area of each storey, such as hallways, landings.
  • A Smoke detector in the room most frequently used for general daytime living purposes.
  • Heat detector installed in every kitchen.
  • Most importantly all these devices must be interlinked to activate simultaneously.
  • Carbon Monoxide detectors to be installed where a fuel burning appliance or flue is fitted. This includes gas ovens, hobs, boilers, and log burners etc but these can be stand alone devices and not interlinked.

Our range of detectors are discreet, easily fitted and importantly full compliant with the Scottish Government Legislation.


Contact us today for your free quotation.